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Admission 2024-2025

CSS for "Наши преимущества"

Gaybullaev Asilbek Asadovich

Rector of the EMU University
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor


Dear Students!

You made the right choice by entering our University, where the best conditions have been created for obtaining a modern, innovative and high-quality education that meets the requirements of Europe. Now the prospect of successfully mastering the profession depends on your abilities, perseverance and hard work, because New Uzbekistan needs specialists trained in accordance with the highest international training standards. I sincerely hope that you, the future specialists, will become the creators of the Third Renaissance of our country!


Gaybullaev Asilbek Asadovich

Rector of the EMU University
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Our Advantages

Automated training quality control system
Modern equipped classrooms and laboratories
Convenient campus location (all in one campus)
⠀No uniforms in University⠀
Attracting leading foreign specialists from leading universities and clinics to training
Involvement in medical practice already from the initial training courses
Fully automated university⠀
Adapted European assessment system and teaching methodology

Bekenov Abdukhamid Abdukhakimovich

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs EMU University


The main mission of the EMU University is to train highly qualified specialists on the basis of the state standard of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as priority educational programs of accredited European institutions for the development of education in Uzbekistan (including CIS countries).

Bekenov Abdukhamid Abdukhakimovich

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs EMU University

University news

For detailed information leave your contacts and we will contact You

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Academic staff
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Simulation centers
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State Grants
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Founders' Grants
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Clinical bases

Our Partners

Plastik, rekonstruktiv va LOR jarrohlik markazi
Plastik, rekonstruktiv va LOR jarrohlik markazi
Chinor medical center – Center for Plastic, Reconstructive and ENT Surgery
GRAND PHARM TRADE – Dorixonalar tarmog’i
GRAND PHARM TRADE – Drugstore chain
Городская клиническая больница №7
Toshkent shahar klinik shifoxonasi №7
Tashkent City Clinical Hospital №7
999 – Сеть аптек
999 – Dorixonalar tarmog’i
999 – drug store
Городская клиническая больница скорой медицинской помощи
Shahar tez tibbiy yordam klinik kasalxonasi
City Clinical hospital of emergency medical care
Клиника Ташкентской Медицинской Академии
Toshkent tibbiyot akademiyasi klinikasi
Clinic of Tashkent Medical Academy
«UROLOGIC COMPLEX» Урологическая клиника
«UROLOGIC COMPLEX» Urologik klinika
«UROLOGIC COMPLEX» Urologic clinic
Ташкентский педиатрический медицинский институт
Toshkent Pediatriya Tibbiyot Instituti
Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
Ташкентский областной кожно-венерологический диспансер
Toshkent viloyati teri-tanosil dispanseri
Skin and venereological dispensary of Tashkent region
«Шарк табобати» Научно-исследовательский институт
“Sharq tabobati” ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti
“Shark Tabobati” Research Institute
«ТАБЛЕТКА» – Сеть аптек
«ТАБЛЕТКА» – Dorixonalar tarmog’i
«ТАБЛЕТКА» Drugstore chain
«Ezgu niyat» – Многопрофильный медицинский центр
«Ezgu niyat» – Ko’p tarmoqli tibbiyot markazi
«Ezgu niyat» – Multidisciplinary Medical Center
«Шарк табобати» Научно-исследовательский институт
“Sharq tabobati” ilmiy-tadqiqot instituti
“Shark Tabobati” Research Institute
VYTAS – Стоматологическая клиника
VYTAS- Stomatologik klinika
VYTAS – Dental clinic
Институт иммунологии и Геномики Человека Академии Наук Республики Узбекистан
O’zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi Immunologiya va Inson Genomikasi Instituti
Institute of Human Immunology and Genomics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
MEDICAL DENTIUM AND IMPLANTIUM – Стоматологическая клиника
Республиканский научно-практический центр спортивной медицины
Respublika sport tibbiyoti ilmiy-amaliy markazi
Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports Medicine
Clinic of EMU
Clinic of EMU
Clinic of EMU
Центр развития проф. квалификации мед, работников
Tibbiyot xodimlarining kasbiy malakasini rivojlantirish markazi
Prof. Development Center qualifications of medical workers
Многопрофильная клиника Центра Развития Проф. Квалификации Мед. Работников
Tibbiyot xodimlarining kasbiy malakasini rivojlantirish markazi ko’p tarmoqli klinikasi
Multidisciplinary clinic of the Development Center Prof. Qualifications Med. Workers
Национальный детский медицинский центр
Bolalar Milliy Tibbiyot Markazi
National Children’s Medical Center
Dentals Pharma – Производитель стоматологических пломбировочных материалов
Dentals Pharma – Stomatologik plomba materiallari ishlab chiqaruvchisi
Dentals Pharma – Manufacturer of dental filling materials
Ташкентский городской перинатальный центр
Toshkent shahar perinatal markazi
Tashkent City Perinatal Center
Андижанский государственный медицинский институт
Andijon davlat tibbiyot instituti
Andijan State Medical Institute
Ташкентский фармацевтический институт
Toshkent farmatsevtika instituti
Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute
Республиканский спец. научно-практический мед. центр травматологии и ортопедии
Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan travmatologiya va ortopediya ilmiy-amaliy tibbiyot markazi.
Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Traumatology And Orthopedics
Научно-практический медицинский центр онкологии и радиологии
«Onkologiya va radiologiya» ilmiy-amaliy tibbiyot markazining
Specialized Scientific and practical Medical Center of Oncology and Radiology
Мediofarm ECO «FERTILITY IVF» – Центр репродуктивного здоровья
Мediofarm ECO «FERTILITY IVF» – Reproduktiv salomatlik markazi
Мediofarm ECO «FERTILITY IVF» – Reproductive Health Center
Ташкентский областной кожно-венерологический диспансер
Toshkent viloyati teri-tanosil dispanseri
Skin and venereological dispensary of Tashkent region
Городской родильный комплекс № 7
Toshkent shahar 7-son tug’ruq majmuasi
City Maternity Hospital №7
Республиканский патологоанатомический центр
Respublika patologik anatomiya markazi
Republican Pathoanatomic Center
Туринский политехнический университет в городе Ташкенте
Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti
Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent
Министерство дошкольного и школьного образования Республики Узбекистан
Ўзбекистон Республикаси мактабгача ва мактаб таълими вазирлиги
Ministry of preschool and school education of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Агентство по делам молодежи Республики Узбекистан
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Yoshlar ishlari agentligi
The Agency for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Министерство высшего образования, науки и инноваций Республики Узбекистан
O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar vazirligi
Ministry of higher education, science and innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Литовский университет наук о здоровье
Litva sog’liq bilimlari universiteti
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
Оренбургский государственный медицинский университет
Orenburg davlat tibbiyot universiteti
Orenburg State Medical University
Башкирский государственный медицинский университет
Boshqoriston davlat tibbiyot universiteti
Bashkir State Medical University
Салымбеков Университет
Salimbekov Universiteti
Salymbekov University
Измирский университет Тиназтепе
Izmir Tinaztepe Universiteti
Izmir Tinaztepe University
Superb Study Abroad
Superb Study Abroad
Superb Study Abroad
Научный колледж Кенбук
Kyongbuk ilmiy kolleji
Kyongbuk Science college
Азербайджанский медицинский университет
Azarbayjon Tibbiyot Universiteti
Azerbaijan Medical University
Кавказский международный университет
Kavkaz xalqaro universiteti
Caucasus International University
Открытый университет Шри-Ланки
Shri-Lanka Ochiq universiteti
Open University of Sri Lanka
Хемницкий технический университет
Xemnitz texnologiya universiteti
Chemnitz University of Technology
Экономико-Гуманитарный Университет в Варшаве
Varshavadagi Iqtisodiyot va Gumanitar fanlar universiteti
The University of Economics and Human Sciences in Warsaw
Tutelage study
Tutelage study
Tutelage study
Akademy of Silesia
Akademy of Silesia
Akademy of Silesia



Second stage of EMU admission
(open admission for contractual study* for the first semester of study)

You need to complete the following steps to apply:

  1. Complete an online registration on the University website and submit your details;

You will then be notified by email of the date and time you wish to present your documents to the University.

       2. Submit the following documents to the Admissions Office:
          a) Diploma;
          b) Original passport.

       3. Pass in person:
           a) Identification;
           b) Mandatory medical examination.

       4. Make payment in the amount of 1 BRV established in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    5. In-person entrance exam (The exact date and time of exam shall be notified to every applicant individually by sending an email or calling the number left by the applicant while submitting the documents).

Announcement of test results

After the test, a list of applicants would be assembled according to the grades from the highest to the lowest, and the test results would be posted on the University website.

After the announcement of test results, the successful applicants shall submit original copies of relevant documents to the University PC.

Those applicants who failed to meet the admission requirements (those who remained outside the University’s admission quota), can apply to the University administration for admission to the University on the basis of an increased contract amount**.

* In accordance with the internal University policy every student admitted to the University on contract basis has a chance to get a free tuition grant according to the results of his/her average academic performance in each semester and active participation in the life of the University.

** Upon the approval of the University administration, the applicant’s application shall be paid one-time contract fee in double amount for the first year of study (super-contract).


First stage of EMU admission
(for grant-based studies for the first semester of study)

You need to:

       1. Submit the following documents to the Admissions Office:

          a) Diploma;
          b) Original passport.

       2. Pass in person:
           a) Identification;
           b) Mandatory medical examination.

3. Pay the fee of 1 BRV established in the Republic of Uzbekistan (entrants to EMU preparatory courses 50% discount).

4. Pass the entrance exam in-person (specific date and time of exam is informed individually to every applicant by sending an email or calling the number left by the applicant when submitting the documents).

Announcement of test results

After the exam, the list of applicants would be determined based on the number of points, from the highest to the lowest, and the results would be posted on the University’s official website.

After the announcement of test results, successful applicants shall submit original copies of relevant documents to the University PC.

Applicants for EMU preparatory courses who do not achieve the required entry scores (which remain outside the University’s admission quota) shall be given the opportunity to re-submit their documents for the second stage of admission or to study on the basis of an advanced contract.